We accept donations.
If you prefer, you may mail a check or money order to:
NAACP Chicago Far South Suburban Branch
P. O. Box 484
Homewood, IL 60430
Make check payable to NAACP-CFSSB
The NAACP is a 501c4 not-for-profit organization.
Donations are not normally tax deductible as charitable contributions.”
Freedom Fund 2023 was a huge success.
Serbian Social Center was an excellent venue.
Renew Your Membership | NAACP
Branch/Unit Location: Chicago Far South Suburban Branch
Unit: 3006-B
Thank You
Chicago Far-South Suburban Branch
P.O Box 484, Homewood, IL 60430
Email: naacpcfssb@gmail.com
Freedom Fund 2022
Fighting Forward
Saving Our Democracy
Take Action Now!
Renew Your Membership | NAACP
Branch/Unit location: Chicago Far South Suburban Branch
Unit: 3006-B
Thank You
Chicago Far-South Suburban Branch
P.O Box 484, Homewood, IL 60430
Video: Freedom Fund 2022 in pictures
The NAACP Chicago Far-South Suburban Branch (NAACP-CFSSB) is a branch of the NAACP, the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. Receiving its charter in May of 1979, the NAACP-CFSSB has focused on fighting for civil rights and social justice in areas that include economics, environment, education, government, health, and justice in the South Suburban communities.
The annual Freedom fund dinner is the primary source of funding for the branch.
Media Contact:
Gary Dingle
Freedom and civil rights continue to face the most difficult challenges. The Chicago Far-South Suburban NAACP Branch will be addressing all this and more at a special June 12 fundraising luncheon with the theme, “Fighting Forward: Saving Our Democracy!”
“We are extremely enthusiastic about this year’s Freedom Fund luncheon,” commented branch president Gary Dingle. “The fight for voting rights, if lost, could be the end of democracy in America. So, we are educating and raising funds to make sure we protect the right to vote for all the communities in America, including minorities, who are often the first to suffer.”
For more information, be sure to call 708-794-8550 or email naacpcfssb@gmail.com.